Vodácký Ráj

Canoe Palava 400

Canoe PALAVA 400 Canoe PALAVA 400 preview no. 1 Canoe PALAVA 400 preview no. 2 Canoe PALAVA 400 preview no. 3

Length400 cm
Width90 cm
Weight17,5 kg
Load capacity240 kg
Number of persons2+1
These changes allow the storage of bigger baggage and a higher variability of seat installations. Wide and horizontally installed seats offer a comfortable seating, and also the thigh straps allow safe kneeling when riding rapids. The canoe is suitable both for trips lasting several days until the difficulty level WW2 and for a soft ride on a calm water surface of reservoirs and lakes.

Kanoe Palava 400 - bok


Your choice of color:

obrazek obrazek
red/grey green/grey

Related Items:
Kanoe BARAKA - samovylévací

Kanoe SCOUT Economy

Plovací vesta
Vodácký barel
Plastové pádlo
Pumpa 4l

In the event that you find any mistakes, please inform us by email. Pictures may be only of a descriptive nature and might not show the actual product or actual colors. The technical specifications and product descriptions come from the manufacturer or importer, we take no legal responsibility for any errors. Thank you.

Contact: Vodácký ráj, e-mail: info@vodackyraj.cz, T.: +420 603 441 272, Císařská louka 27, Praha 5 - Smíchov